On Thursday 16 June 2022, a joint announcement from the Andrews government of Victoria and Perrottet government of New South Wales, will see $14.8 billion overhaul the preschool education sector. The announcement has been welcomed by experts, who say the sector is excited about the additional investment into early education and care.
Community Child Care Association’s Executive Director, Julie Price, said “we are delighted to see not only the investment in our vital sector but particularly into not-for-profit services, which we know deliver better outcomes both for children and the workforce”.
The announcements include the establishment of 50 not-for-profit centres in areas of high demand in Victoria.
“Not-for-profit and community-based services consistently deliver more-affordable, higher-quality education and care to children, and offer better pay, better conditions and more career opportunities for those working in the space”.
Where possible, the Victorian Government have committed to ensure the new centres are integrated with other public services, such as schools, hospitals, TAFEs, and health services.
“Integrated centres allow greater access to education and care for communities. Greater access is a key factor in providing best outcomes.”
“This investment into education and care will change lives. 30 hours of Four-Year-Old Kinder will mean many children will get additional opportunities for early learning they need before they start school. These additional educational opportunities in their early years will have a profound impact on their life trajectory.”
Price went on to say “the expansion of Four-Year-Old Kinder and more affordable education and care for families is so important, but we must also invest in the workforce so that they can deliver high-quality education and care”.
“Our workforce is under stress. We need to support those working in the sector. Along with other peaks, we’ve developed ato ensure all families can access high-quality services from a workforce that’s fairly compensated.”
Community Child Care Association (CCC) is the voice of community-based early childhood education and outside school hours care (OSHC) services in Victoria. CCC supports long day care, OSHC, kindergarten, family day care and occasional care educators, teachers, leaders, coordinators and directors. Community Child Care Association is the Victorian peak for community-owned education and care and the state peak for OSHC.