Are you considering carrying out repairs or a restoration project such as repairing original timber windows or balustrades, reinstating a fence to its original design, painting in an authentic heritage colour scheme or even providing interpretive information about the story of your building or site?
A new round of heritage grants is open and the priority this year is to Heritage Items and contributory historic properties in Ashby, Brushgrove, Cowper, Chatsworth lsland, Harwood, Iluka, Lawrence, Maclean, South Arm and Yamba. Works to avert the serious deterioration of a heritage item in any area within Clarence Valley Council will also be considered.
Grants will be offered up to $2,000 per property and require $ for $ matching contribution by the owner subject to the available budget.
The application form and guidelines can be found
You will require at least one trade quote to submit, with existing photos and any interesting historical information which may enhance your application. You may apply for a project outside of the priority area, however, allocation will be made to the priority area first.
For more information, or if you need assistance in completing the online form contact Council on 02 66430200.
The closing date for applications is 31 July 2023.