
24 hours and 60+ activists at Global Greens virtual conference

Australian Greens

In the Absence of an in-person congress, the Global Greens are holding A major virtual Conference that bridges our Global Greens Congresses during this time of COVID.

Next saturday 5 February!

By the Global Greens

The Australian Greens are a founding member of the Global Greens, a global partnership of the world’s Green parties and political movements, working cooperatively to implement the Global Greens Charter.

To date there have been four Global Greens Congresses, with the first held in Canberra in 2001.

COVID-19 has sadly put the upcoming in-person Global Greens Congress on hold, but the very first virtual conference – called Connecting for Green Action – is coming up next weekend.

We are excited by the possibilities for diverse and wide participation given the event will be virtual, and therefore not restrained by time, costs and the other physical limitations of an in-person meeting.

Across more than 30 sessions over 24 hours more than 60 activists, Green parliamentarians and leaders from around the globe will present panel discussions, workshops, and keynote events. .

There are numerous opportunities to be inspired and build global support for your campaigns, whilst forming relationships that will connect us for Green action across the globe.

Some of the sessions include a conversation with Greens from Palestine and Israel; a discussion about how nuclear will never be the solution; campaigning and supporting anti-extractive struggles; increasing the impact of the Global Greens as a political movement; building a culturally inclusive Greens movement; and so much more.

As the Conference will be virtual, it is open to everyone to attend. .

*Please note the program & speakers are still subject to change.

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