The ACT Government has announced $25,000 in funding for community events to celebrate International Day of People with Disability (I-Day).
I-Day is held on 3 December each year and aims to increase public awareness, understanding and inclusion of people with disability and celebrate the achievements and contributions of people with disability.
Minister for Disability, Emma Davidson said the grants create opportunities for the community to come together and celebrate I-Day.
“I-Day is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate inclusion and the achievements of people with disability,” said Minister Davidson.
“This year’s theme is ‘transformative solutions for inclusive development: the role of innovation in fuelling an accessible and equitable world’, and these grants will support many innovative events taking place across the community to celebrate I-Day.”
“I look forward to seeing all these exciting events which will be taking place over the next few weeks.”
The grants will fund a range of events including:
- Daydream Machine Expo showcasing the many creative talents of the 23 neurodiverse Canberra young people that currently attend the Daydream Machine program
- An inclusive and accessible dance program
- A showcase for a new employment model to be established in Canberra
- I-Day events at the University of Canberra, Belconnen Arts Centre Theatre, Hands On Studio and Belconnen High School.
As stated by Luke Ferguson of Founder of Daydream Machine:
“Daydream Machine is very excited to be hosting a ‘Daydream Machine Expo’ this December to celebrate International Day of People with Disability 2022.”
“The I-Day Grant funds, which will be used as seed capital for all of these amazing business ideas will also go towards staging the Expo, which we are planning as an annual event.”