![Two people applying sunscreen.](https://www.cancercouncil.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/two-people-applying-sun-protection.jpg)
The UV rating will be extreme for most of the festive season. This means you need to protect your skin from the sun!
Here are our top five tips for staying SunSmart over the festive period.
1. Slip on protective clothing
Whether it’s your or just your everyday attire, be sure to wear long sun-protective clothing with a close weave. Clothing can be one of the most effective ways to protect your skin, so be sure to cover up as much as possible.
2. Slop on sunscreen
Heading down to the beach over the festive break? Choose a water-resistant, broad spectrum sunscreen which is at least SPF 30, and layer it on thickly 20 minutes before going out into the sun. Remember to reapply sunscreen every two hours, or more if towel drying or sweating excessively.
3. Slap on a hat
A Santa hat just won’t do! Instead, opt for a broad-brimmed, bucket or legionnaire-style hat which protects your ears, sides of the face and back of the neck.
4. Seek shade
If it’s your turn to host a get-together this festive season, be sure to provide substantial shade to ensure adequate sun protection for your friends and family. Remember that UV rays reflect off surfaces such as sand, water and paving, so use other sun protection measures when in the shade too.
5. Slide on your sunglasses
Put the novelty Christmas sunnies away and protect your eyes properly with close-fitting wrap-around sunglasses. You should wear sunglasses when outdoors during daylight hours, not just when there’s obvious glare.
Remember, the best way to protect yourself from the sun this Festive season is to use a combination of Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide!
TIP: Don’t be fooled by the heat this summer. Did you know ? In fact, your risk of sunburn is exactly the same on cooler days as it is on the hotter days in summer!