
8 September 2022, Cr Anna De Villiers- Carisbrook Mercury


We live in an agricultural hub in Victoria. Farmers are known for being innovative and resourceful, always looking for ways to do things better.

Renewable energy. The modern buzz. What is renewable energy?

Renewable energy is produced using natural resources that are constantly replaced and never run out.

This includes the generation of solar power, wind energy and the use of biomass such as certain crops and manure to produce biogas. Renewable energy should be seen as an opportunity for us as a rural council and community.

According to studies, farmers are ideally situated in producing and supporting renewable energy and alternative fuels. What is sustainability?

The next Carisbrook Community Conversation is scheduled to take place on 21 September 2022 at 6pm at the Fire Station in Carisbrook, Green Street.

I will be reporting back on topics discussed at the previous meeting and the agenda for this meeting will be in the form of a kitchen table conversation about renewable energy.

Council adopted the Climate Action Plan at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 28 June 2022. Two priority projects have been identified in the Climate Action Plan and having the kitchen table conversations around climate action is one of the priorities. The aim of the conversation is to start talking about climate change and renewable energy.

Information collected at this conversation will be taken back to the Climate Action group and will be used to further refine the Climate Action Plan.

The focus of the conversation will be on how the community can get involved and contribute by owning and managing wind and solar farms, benefitting the local community. There are examples in Victoria where communities have done this successfully.

Further climate action activities will take place in October and you are all invited to come along and participate. There will be a workshop held on 8 October 2022 at 2pm at the Maryborough Community House in Primrose Street, Maryborough East. How to read your power bills and a bit of a discussion about sustainable energy.

A Climate Forum will be held on Wednesday night, 26 October 2022 at the Hub, 7pm. The discussion will be around renewable energy and what can be done to make your house sustainable and more energy efficient, reducing your energy bills.

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