Why four best mates are taking on the USA
Meet Sean Stuart, Rory Cheal, Max Cutrone and Jasper Gotterson. They’re four best mates currently on an incredible running adventure in the United States. On February 18th, 2023, they set out to complete 80 marathons in 80 days taking them all the way through 13 states from Florida to the Canadian border.
This mammoth task comes from a cause that’s very dear to their hearts, with both Rory and Max’s families having been affected by cancer.
“I vividly remember what I thought were my final goodbyes”
In 2015, Rory’s mum, Amanda, was diagnosed with Stage 4 bowel cancer that was secondary to liver, lungs and stomach. Fortunately, Amanda found out just in time, but this was only the beginning of her cancer journey.
For months, Amanda endured rigorous treatment for her aggressive liver cancer. Despite the odds, Amanda survived the “life or death” surgery.
After numerous surgeries, Amanda was re-diagnosed multiple times with more cancers. Amanda is now in remission and cancer free.
“I vividly remember what I thought were my final goodbyes as mum went into surgery. It’s an image I will never forget.” says Rory.
Like Rory, Max has also been closely affected by cancer with both of his Aunties being diagnosed. In 2011, Max’s Aunty Karen was diagnosed with breast cancer. Sadly, she died a five years later.
His Aunty Jenny was then also diagnosed with aggressive, advanced HER2-positive breast cancer in late 2020. Thanks to life-saving cancer research, Jenny is now receiving targeted therapy to manage her cancer and was able to see her eldest son get married in 2022.
How life-saving cancer research brought hope
Just four years separate Karen dying and Jenny’s diagnosis. These four years have allowed for advances in cancer research and development of life-saving treatment plans that help people like Jenny.
75 days and counting
4,312 km The four best mates are currently on day 75 of their journey and battling an abundance of injuries including, tendonitis, pulled muscles, overuse injuries and shin splints. With their aim to raise $250,000 for people affected by cancer, the boys are well on track with over $100,000 raised for Australians affected by cancer. Inspired by their families’ incredible stories, the boys are determined to run 3,376 km while raising funds for cancer research. For them, the challenge is about showing what the human body can do when there’s a greater purpose, much like the challenges overcome by those impacted by cancer. We’ll continue to follow Sean, Rory, Max and Jasper as they journey through the USA at @mates_v_states.
You can show support for the Mates V States team by donating to their Do It For Cancer Fundraiser here:
If you have any questions about cancer, call Cancer Council on 13 11 20