Premier Gladys Berejiklian announced the funding today, which is provided on top of a school’s base allocation, and can be used for more teachers, literacy and numeracy programs, and teacher training.
“We are unashamedly for lifting standards in our schools and this additional funding is making a real difference in the outcomes of students at the local level,” Ms Berejiklian said
“Schools will consult with the local community to develop a plan for the funding to cater for the specific academic and wellbeing needs of their individual students.”
The funding method, known as the Resource Allocation Model (RAM), recognises the needs of schools across NSW differ and takes into account the socio-economic profile of students, Aboriginal student numbers, disability and English language proficiency.
Education Minister Sarah Mitchell said the funding reports are being delivered earlier than in previous years to allow schools to better plan how the funds will be used, improving outcomes for the over 800,000 NSW public school students.
“We have listened to feedback from Principals – and are releasing the School Budget Allocation Reports ahead of schedule. This will allow schools more time to plan their funding allocations for 2020 – helping them make smarter decisions focused on student outcomes,” Ms Mitchell said.
“We know that Government has an obligation to current and future generations to fund access to a quality education for every child according to a transparent and consistent assessment of their educational needs. That is what the RAM is all about.”
“As part of the 2020 RAM allocations, schools will see the benefit of $433 million to support students through the equity loading for socio-economic background and $201 million through the per capita loading.”
The NSW Government is working towards creating Australia’s best education system and providing students with world-class education no matter where they live.