Council has engaged experienced consultants Judith Stubbs & Associates to prepare an Affordable Housing Strategy for the region.
Judith Stubbs & Associates have prepared housing strategies for Bega Shire Council, Shoalhaven City Council and a number of other councils.
‘We’ve heard from many community members and advocates for people in need, that affordable housing is a real concern. This was raised again at our most recent community meeting in Braidwood,’ Mayor Kenrick Winchester said.
‘By preparing an affordable housing strategy, we hope to identify the specific challenges in our local government area and work with everyone involved including housing providers, community groups and other agencies which provide a range of social or crisis accommodation. It is important that all levels of government collaborate to address this national issue.’
The project will be undertaken in four stages:
- Stage 1: Development of a Background Paper, including desktop and primary research; initial community consultation; the development of draft recommendations and actions; and an indicative Project and Implementation Plan;
- Stage 2: Councillor and staff workshops to discuss research findings, draft recommendations and the Project and Implementation Plan;
- Stage 3: Development of the draft Affordable Housing Strategy that focuses on preferred options and strategies;
- Stage 4: Amendment and finalisation of the draft Affordable Housing Strategy, in response to feedback from community consultation and councillor and staff feedback.
The project will begin in May and is expected to be complete by December 2022.