Loch Sport resident Cr Alan Hall was today re-elected for his second consecutive term as Mayor of Wellington Shire Council, with Cr Gayle Maher of Port Albert elected Deputy Mayor.
Cr Alan Hall was first elected Mayor in November 2018, after selling his business in Loch Sport and retiring in the town with his wife Jill. He has a strong financial background, holding senior finance and management roles in both the public and private sector.
Cr Hall thanked his fellow councillors for allowing him to have a second term as Mayor.
“I am humbled that my fellow councillors have shown trust in me to continue as Mayor for another term,” he said.
“While we have achieved a great deal in the past 12 months, I’m excited to continue this great work to tick off some more valuable projects.
“My first term was incredibly rewarding and as a group I’d like to say congratulations on what we have achieved this past 12 months.
“I will do my very best to achieve against any expectations you may have of me.”
Deputy Mayor, Cr Gayle Maher is heavily involved in the Port Albert community and was elected to Wellington Shire Council in 2016.
Cr Maher said she was looking forward to the challenge of Deputy Mayor.
“Thank you for your support and I will certainly do my upmost in representing this council and supporting the Mayor in this deputy role,” Cr Maher said.
“I’d like to thank rate-payers who voted me in to this privileged position to represent them on council and I look forward to the work ahead.”