Tourism Council WA has welcomed the $14 million Labor election commitment to invest in Albany Airport upgrades, announced today.
Tourism Council WA CEO Evan Hall said the upgraded runway, taxiway and apron would provide an opportunity to expand the capacity for tourism in Albany.
Mr Hall said Albany also urgently needed new accommodation and larger aircraft to enable more passengers to visit Albany via an expanded airport.
“Visitors to Albany spend $305 million in the local destination each year, creating 1,690 jobs,” Mr Hall said.
“Albany has been a rising star as a regional tourism destination however it is constrained by a lack of accommodation and air services.”
Mr Hall said the airport upgrade with enhanced facilities would support larger aircrafts, help improve the visitor experience and welcome more visitors to the region.
“An expanded airport would need to be accompanied by accommodation development and a dedicated regional airline with larger aircraft to host more visitors to Albany,” Mr Hall said.