The Green Party welcomes the broadening of the number of professions who are part of the Green List and Straight to Residency Pathway, and calls on the Government to do more for the workers who are currently without any pathways to residency.
“Migrant workers deserve the certainty of being able to put down roots in their communities and their contributions to be honoured, instead of precarious and often exploitative conditions. We have been fighting for the broadening of pathways to residency for healthcare workers so we welcome today’s changes,” says the Green Party’s spokesperson for immigration Ricardo Menéndez March.
“Pathways to residency should be available for people not just to plug gaps where there are labour shortages, but rather as recognition that migrants do not deserve to be kept in limbo on a temporary visa. Having your visa attached to a single employer contributes to exploitation which is an unfortunate reality for many migrants.
“In April 2021, the Green Party launched a campaign for pathways to residency and an amnesty for overstayers. Through collective pressure we have secured the R21 visa, replacement visas for several people stuck offshore and and the broadening of pathways to residency under the immigration rebalance.
“With more Green MPs we can continue fighting for improved rights for migrant workers and an economic system that works for all of us,” says Ricardo Menéndez March.