

Australian Medical Association

Committee of Doctors in Training elections

CDT is starting to look towards 2023. Nominations for the AMA QLD Doctors in Trainee Committee will open in the next few weeks for those interested in being on the CDT Executive. This is a great opportunity to get involved in the medical community and ensure the voices of DiTs are heard when setting AMA Queensland policy and advocacy priorities.

Positions will also include the Chair and Deputy Chair spots for all of our special interest groups (industrial relations, digital health, wellbeing, sustainability, rural and remote, and education and training) as well as the hospital representative coordinators. 2023 should be an exciting year for QLD CDT and we’re hopeful to see increased resourcing so we can help with even more local advocacy projects in the future.

Health Professionals’ Mental Health and Wellbeing Summit

The Health Professionals’ Mental Health and Wellbeing Summit will take place on 17 November as an all-day cross-profession event. The event will include keynote speakers from each of the health disciplines, followed by profession-themed workshops to explore practical solutions for change and appropriate support mechanisms. Queensland Health’s Acting Deputy Director-General Prof Keith McNeil noted the summit is intended to be the first step to help ease the pressures currently facing our healthcare workforce and that Queensland Health are committed to coordinating follow up work after the event to progress key ideas and solutions identified. AMA QLD are pleased Queensland Health has responded to their calls for the summit and look forward to devising and implementing strategies and providing support to help ease the current workload.

Junior Doctor Conference Gold Coast

Are you a junior doctor that is ready to be inspired? Want a fun and informative weekend away at the GOLD COAST where you’ll have the chance to network and catch up with peers, win prizes and engage in numerous educational activities? The AMA Queensland Junior Doctor Conference (JDC) is an opportunity to learn from exhibitors, keynote speakers, panels of experts and breakout sessions on high value clinical skills, life and survival skills. You will not want to miss this event as the end goal of the conference is to make you feel inspired and recognise your potential as the future of medicine. There are limited tickets to JDC Gold Coast, so get your colleagues together for a fun and informative weekend!

Complete your opt in to the reformed BMP program now

Are you a legacy Bonded Medical Places Scheme or Medical Rural Bonded Scholarship Scheme participant who has started the opt in process with the Department of Health to transfer to the statutory Bonded Medical Program but have not completed it? If that’s you, there may be an email sitting in your in box waiting to be actioned. Check your emails and complete your opt in process today to start accessing the benefits of the statutory program.

/AMA/AusMed News. View in full .