The Rockliff Liberal Government will ensure our local government sector is strong, effective and is able to deliver the best services for all Tasmanians into the future.
Minister for Local Government, Nic Street, said that’s why the Government commissioned the independent Board to undertake the Future of Local Government Review over twelve months ago.
“I will be respecting the Review process and waiting to see what the Board has to say at the end of the Review about the options and models that it believes have the best chance of delivering better services to Tasmanians,” he said.
“I won’t be drawn by Labor into a politically-motivated ‘rule in-rule out’ game, nor will I fetter my responsibilities as the Minister for Local Government.
Minister Street said he had met with 28 of 29 Tasmanian councils so far this year, and was pleased that mayors, councillors and staff were strongly engaged with the Review process, with many councils making their own submissions for consideration in the report.
He said his consultations with a range of stakeholders was ongoing and he would be meeting with the Australian Services Union representing workers in the sector next week.
“The Board’s interim report and options paper released last December made it clear that the status quo was not an option for the future,” Minister Street said.
“I will invite submissions on the Board’s report when it is released as I am required to do under the Local Government Act, which will extend to all Members of Parliament, and I am committed to the sector being involved in the conversations and direction we take as a State.
“We know that Luke Edmunds’ mate and Labor’s leader-in-waiting Dean Winter is , but there is a process to follow and I won’t be jumping the gun on such important reforms.
“After a week of pointless stunts from the Labor-Green opposition in parliament last week, it’s clear only the Rockliff Liberal Government is focusing on getting things done for Tasmanians.”