
Ararat Rural City Budget 2024-25 Adopted By Council

Work to deliver Ararat Rural City Council’s 2024-25 Budget is now underway, following the adoption of the Budget at the Tuesday 25 June Council Meeting.

Over the past few months, Council carried out extensive community consultation to gather an understanding of what residents would like to see reflected in the Budget. This included face-to-face community engagement sessions across the municipality, as well as submissions through the Engage Ararat platform, which gave community groups, residents, and businesses the opportunity to speak with Councillors and share their thoughts on proposed initiatives for the 2024/25 Budget.

Council’s 2024/2025 Budget represents a continuation of Council’s financially responsible approach that has been in place over the past six budget cycles. The headlines of the 2024/2025 Budget continue to be returning an efficiency dividend to the community through a net zero percent rate rise and an ongoing commitment to renewing the community’s assets through a $15,513,000 investment in capital works.

Ararat Rural City Council CEO Dr Tim Harrison handed down the 2024-25 Council Budget at a Council meeting, with updates to key programs developed in response to challenging economic conditions.

“The budget has been framed on key drivers for financial sustainability. We’re focused on adopting a budget that guarantees the sustainability of our municipality as best as possible” said Ararat Rural City Council CEO Dr Tim Harrison.

“The investment in the reconstruction of Mt William road is a significant piece as is the $15,513,000 we’re investing in our capital works program. I’m proud of the fact that we’ve again been able to deliver a zero percent rate rise this year on the back of the work that we’re going to be delivering.”

Investment will go towards major economic and community developments such as the delivery of young people’s programs through Crazy Ideas College, growing our community’s skilled workforce through a resident attraction program, the development of a trades apprenticeship program, and significant upgrades to Ararat Library.

Councillors Rob Armstrong, Jo Armstrong and Mayor Bob Sanders acknowledged council staff for their efforts in maintaining a net zero-rate increase for the seventh year in a row while responding to economic conditions and maintaining Council services. It was also noted that the budget metrics were well presented and received by the community.

“We’re immensely proud to deliver an average zero percent rate rise for the seventh year running. Our focus on upgrading crucial infrastructure across the community continues, along with a significant investment in the future of our young people, with funds going towards programs for primary and secondary school students and a very exciting trades apprenticeship program in the works.” said Mayor Bob Sanders.

Highlights and new initiatives for 2024/25:

  • $6,250,000 investment in reconstructing at least six kilometres of Mt William Road – a local road of regional significance to agriculture and tourism.
  • $100,000 commitment to delivery of young people’s programs across primary and secondary schools, largely through the Crazy Ideas College.
  • $500,000 contribution to an ongoing partnership commitment to Ararat Housing Enterprise P/L.
  • $230,000 contribution to community infrastructure projects.
  • $200,000 to modernise and upgrade the Ararat Library.
  • $400,000 to upgrade footpath network
  • $100,000 to support a resident attraction program to support development of an increasingly skilled workforce for the municipality.
  • $2,143,000 to reconstruct an initial two-kilometre section of Buangor – Ben Nevis Road commencing at the Western Highway.
  • $100,000 to support the successful, ongoing business façade program.
  • $1,461,000 to reconstruct sections of Webb Street and Churchill Avenue in Ararat.
  • $80,000 Council contribution to a $330,000 project to redevelop the Tatyoon sports oval.
  • $250,000 is provided through the Country Football and Netball funding stream.
  • $1,800,000 renewing rural gravel roads through resheeting or sealing treatments such as OTTA Seal.
  • $750,000 to fund Year Three of Council’s five-year commitment to improve urban drainage systems.
  • $239,000 to renew kerb and channel assets.
  • Ongoing commitment to developing key skills areas in the municipality through graduate and cadet appointments and development of a trades apprenticeship program in 2024/2025.
  • Continuing to fund free access to Outdoor Pools.

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