
ASQA’s New Stakeholder Committee Has Its Work Cut Out Restoring Trust

As the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) attempts to overcome perceptions that it is disengage d.

the formation of the new ASQA Stake holder Li aison G roup is welcome. That ‘s the view of the
Independent Tertiary Educa tion C ouncil Australia (ITECA ), the peak b ody repres enting independent
providers in the higher education, vocational education, training and skills sector.

“Report after report has highlighted th e widespr ead disquiet that exists between ASQA and the
vocational education and training sector. ITECA is therefore please d to see the formation of this new
consultative mechanism. Hopefully, it will serve t o strengthen links between the regulator and
independent vocational education and training providers,” said Troy Williams, ITECA Chief Executi ve.

The formation of the A SQA Stake holder L iaison Grou p follows a recent review of the regulator that
established there is currently a significant trust deficit between the regulator, peak bodies and some
Registered Training Organisations (RTOs).

“It would be a fair criticism to say that ASQA has been disengaged with the vocational edu cation and
training sector. That this has been recognised, a nd steps taken to address this disengagement, is
welcomed, “Mr Williams said.

According to ITECA, a trusted regulator is pivitol to the work of independent RTOs that support more than
80% of the 4. 1 million students in vocational education and training across the nation.

“Although much has been don e in recent months to improve ASQA ‘s engagement with independent
providers, on a weekly basis ITECA cont inues to recei ve complaints about the regulator ‘s mi smanagement
of compliance activity. It ‘s hoped that th is new engagement mechanism helps highlight areas where
ASQA can improve its performance,” Mr Williams said.

Aroun d half of the appointees to the s eve nteen person ASQA Stakeholder L iais on Gro up are e mployees of
ITECA members, recognised for their commitment to delivering students and their employees with the
ou tcomes they are looking for.

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