Joan Rylah,Liberal Member for Braddon
The Tasmanian Liberal Government is delivering on our commitment to transform Cradle Mountain into a new world-class experience.
Today, an important milestone was achieved with the Commonwealth Government commencing its assessment under its Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) of the Dove Lake Viewing Shelter Development Proposal.
This important step will allow for the community to have its say with a public submission period now underway.
The Tasmanian Liberal Government is making a total investment of more than $56.8 million into the Cradle Mountain Master Plan, in addition to commitments from the Federal Government.
Following public consultation on the draft Dove Lake Development Proposal and Environmental Impact Statement (DPEIS), the final statement includes:
- The repurposing of the proposed kiosk into a Discovery Ranger Station to enable Parks and Wildlife Service staff to provide better onsite engagement with visitors,
- Additional external seating and viewing spaces to minimise site crowding, and
- A shuttle bus service to meet the demand that car parking would have provided.
The Cradle Mountain Master Plan will deliver new and unique visitor experiences for the region to encourage visitors to stay longer and visit again. The major investment in facilities and infrastructure and the resulting enhancements to the visitor experience will directly create local jobs.
The referral process, which is expected to take four weeks, will provide another opportunity for the public to comment on the final Dove Lake shelter proposal.
The proposal can be viewed at