
Attorney-General has questions to answer

Tasmanian Labor

Attorney-General Elise Archer has serious questions to answer over her handling of the process in the recent round of appointments to TASCAT

It appears there has been political interference in what should have been an impartial process for these public positions.

It is important the appointments to public bodies such as TASCAT are done transparently, and without any hint of political interference.

It seems strange for the Attorney to set up an arm’s length recruitment panel only to ignore the majority of their recommendations.

It sounds like there are certainly questions the Attorney needs to answer about her decision-making here.

Actions like these erode public trust in our politicians, especially our Attorney-General who people have the right to expect would ensure all decision-making is conducted in a professional and impartial manner.

As the scandals mount for this tired Liberal Government, Premier Rockliff’s claim he wants to lead a government with integrity seems further and further from reality.

Ella Haddad MP

Shadow Attorney General

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