Today I announce the appointment of Ms Jennifer Cartmill as Australia’s new High Commissioner to Malta. Ms Cartmill will also be accredited to Tunisia.
Australia and Malta enjoy close ties anchored by strong community links and our shared membership of the Commonwealth. Australia’s Maltese diaspora community is the largest in the world and continues to play a key role in our bilateral relations.
Australia and Malta have shared values and a strong commitment to the promotion of international peace, security and prosperity, and to multilateral institutions.
Australia looks forward to working with Malta and other members of the European Union as we look to conclude a comprehensive and ambitious Australia-EU Free Trade Agreement, which will expand trade and investment opportunities between our countries.
Australia co-operates with Tunisia on a range of important issues including regional security in North Africa.
Ms Cartmill is a career officer with DFAT and was most recently Deputy Chief of Protocol. She has previously served overseas in Warsaw.
Ms Cartmill holds a Master of Philosophy (International Relations) from the University of Oxford; and a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws from the University of Queensland.
I thank former High Commissioner Julienne Hince for her contributions to advancing Australia’s interests in Malta since 2017.