In response to , ACF Economist, Matt Rose, said:
“These figures confirm that Australia’s current emissions trajectory is not consistent with the Paris Agreement commitment to limit global warming to well below two degrees.
“Despite the recent rhetoric from the Morrison Government, the latest results show Australian emissions have continued to rise in the year to September 2018. It is the height of recklessness that as Australia records its hottest summer we are not making swift and deep cuts to our climate pollution.
“The Morrison Government’s climate policies are not equipped to turn rising emissions around. Adding extra money to the emissions reduction fund is not a substitute for the substantial suite of policies required to transition to a zero-pollution economy.
“At the same time Morrison Government continues to approve and promote new coal mines, and is even considering using public money to underwrite new coal-fired power stations, which will do further damage to our climate.
“It is time our elected representatives got serious about climate action. The atmosphere does not care about fig leaves and political spin – only hard pollution cuts.”