Applications for the Australian cotton industry’s exciting new leadership program, Cotton20, have opened.
Cotton20 is a new mid-high level industry leadership program from Cotton Australia, with funding support from the Australian Government’s Agricultural Industries Fund.
The program will develop the knowledge, skills, confidence and networking skills of the 20 participating growers.
Cotton growers who are keen to lead positive change in the industry are encouraged to apply now to be part of the inaugural program.
Cotton Australia CEO Adam Kay says the Cotton20 Leadership Program will support growers in becoming industry advocates.
“Given the level of unprecedented change in the Australian cotton industry, this leadership program is a proactive way to support our growers in leading, advocating and influencing across the supply chain, from farm gate to consumer,” he says.
“It’s about being able to tell the story of cotton growing and participating in and leading discussions around the efficiency and sustainability of our industry, and cotton growing enterprises. With this program, cotton growers will be in an even better position to do this.”
The Cotton20 Leadership Program will launch in February 2019 and was developed with the needs of growers in mind. The program includes an innovative mix of face-to-face, online, group and individual activities. Cornerstones of the program will be the launch of the Cotton20 Podcast Series in January 2019, and a two-level mentoring program where knowledge and skills will be shared with at least 40 more growers across cotton regions.
The Cotton20 Leadership Program will include topics on governance, advocacy, and industry development, with social media, strategic thinking and planning, leadership and communication a focus.
Applications for the Cotton20 Leadership Program are now open, and will close on Friday 14th December 2018.
For an application kit, interested growers are asked to contact Cotton Australia’s Paul Sloman on or mobile