Prime Minister, how do you reflect on the results out of the US tonight, and what does it mean for Australians?
ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Well, I congratulate President Trump on his victory in the election, and I look forward to working in the interests of both of our nations. Australia and the United States are great friends, based upon our common values, the relationship that we have in areas like national security, our trade and, importantly, our commitment to great democracies. And we’ve seen the American people have their say today, and they’ve elected Donald Trump as the President of the United States, and I congratulate him on his election.
JOURNALIST: And Australians will be wondering, what does this mean for us? Can anyone expect any change here immediately?
PRIME MINISTER: Well, we know that the relationship goes back to the great John Curtin, who turned to America at our darkest hour during World War II. Ever since then, the US alliance has been an important feature, whether it’s been Labor or Liberal in Australia, or Democrat and Republican, and I’m confident that that close relationship and alliance will continue to prosper in the years ahead. Thank you.