Jack Anderson loved film. Loved everything about it. Loved it so much he bought a rundown cinema that had been closed for ten years and restored it. Today the Regent Cinema on Lydiard Street Ballarat it is a significant part of the cultural life of Ballarat.
The legacy Jack and his wife Marie Anderson have given to Ballarat is extraordinary. From the restoration and investment in central Ballarat of the magnificent Regent Cinema, to the flickering black and white footage of Ballarat events from the 1950s to the colour of the 1980s, much of it unseen by the public.
The Anderson Family recently bequeathed the Jack Anderson archive to the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) for safe keeping and digitisation.
The footage, including unseen images of Ballarat’s past, will be showcased to the public as part of Ballarat’s Ballarat Begonia Festival and in acknowledgement of ACMI’s contribution to the cultural life of the region through their ‘Amazing Amateurs’.
The evening will honour Jack Anderson’s vision and foresight, share the magic of his cinematography and will allow the audience to experience how film artists have interpreted his vision. It’s one move night not to be missed!
The Cinematic Legacy of Jack Anderson -One Night Only featuring a series of short films & vignettes created from the archive by Erin M McCuskey and Andrew Taylor)
Thursday, 5 March 2020
7.00pm – the Regent Cinema Ballarat
Tickets $20 or $15 concession available from Regent Box Office and website
All proceeds will go to the Ballarat Arts Foundation
Event partners: Regent Cinemas, ACMI, City of Ballarat, Yum Studio and Ballarat Arts Foundation