Rikki said, “The Prime Minister turned up in rural New South Wales promising more drought relief funding for farmers.”
“Drought relief needs to be blind to borders and politics. Relief must go to those farmers in dire need due to drought,” he said.
Rikki continued, “Better still would be to take a leaf from our forefathers and further drought-proof our nation. In a Murray-Darling Basin where the Hume & Dartmouth dams and Snowy schemes underpinned the nation’s food bowl, now adding or storing more water is in politicians’ too-hard basket.”
“Desalination is bolted on in a piecemeal fashion because the main input cost – electricity – is at record highs demanded by green religion to keep us out of climate purgatory. The sooner we switch anti-farming Greens with some country common sense, the better,” he said.