The Planning Proposal to reclassify the land on which Blue Haven Bonaira sits has been put on public exhibition this week and is live on the NSW Planning Portal.
Kiama Council needs to reclassify the public land of the Blue Haven Bonaira site from community land to operational land to ensure it is being operated in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993.
The Planning Proposal (PP) seeks to amend Schedule 4, Part 1 of the Kiama Local Environmental Plan 2011. The planning proposal seeks to list Lot 2 DP 1215276, 14A Bonaira Street, Kiama under Part 1 of Schedule 4 as ‘land classified or reclassified as operational land – no interests changed’. This change will give effect to Clause 5.2(2) of the LEP so that the subject land will no longer have community land status.
The NSW Department of Planning & Environment has issued the Gateway Determination and the planning proposal is on public exhibition from today to Monday 3 April.
After the exhibition period, a public hearing will be held. This will happen at least 21 days after the close of the public exhibition.
The purpose of the public hearing is to give the community an opportunity to expand on written submissions and discuss issues in a public forum chaired by an independent facilitator, who will be engaged by Council.
The independent facilitator will provide a Public Hearing Report, which will be made publicly available.
The Public Hearing Report, any submissions and a recommendation will then go up to Council for consideration. Council is the designated Local Plan Making Authority.
To make a submission on the Planning Proposal, please visit our .