Do you sometimes find it hard to stay calm?
In the race to get everything done, have you ever found it difficult to be with your child instead of thinking about the next thing you have to do?
Have you ever found your own feelings getting in the way of how you are responding to your child?
Council’s Maternal and Child Health invites you to join Bringing Up Great Kids – an evidence-based program for parents, running every Thursday (afternoon or night) for 6 weeks in term, from Thursday, 20 February. .
Council Maternal and Child Health Worker, Leah Farrow said the sessions give parents the opportunity to meet with other parents and find out about how to create positive relationships with your children.
“The sessions cover brain development, communication and stress management, as well providing some reflective time together without your children.
“We’re holding both afternoon sessions commencing from 1.15pm to 3.15pm and evening sessions running from 7pm to 9pm, ensuring that we cater for everyone.
“Places are limited and bookings are essential,” she said.