Council-owned land at 71-77 Bromley Road, Robinvale will be sold to Harvail Investments following a
public tender process.
Swan Hill Rural City Council received two proposals as part of the six-week Request for Proposals
On Tuesday, Council agreed to sell the land to one of the proponents – Harvail Investments –
for redevelopment as a food business and car wash.
Mayor Ann Young said the two proposals had been through rigorous assessment against seven
weighted criteria. These included the proposed use and look of any development, economic and
social benefits to Robinvale, the experience of the developer, and the price offered for the land.
“The Harvail Investments proposal scored well in each of the assessment criteria and met the stated
aims in the Request for Proposal document,” she said.
“Council believes this development will be good for Robinvale, and will hopefully provide the impetus for more business development too.”
Given the commercial nature of the decision, it had to be made in a closed meeting of Council and
this took place on Tuesday. Council informed Harvail Investments of the decision this morning.
The successful proposal from Harvail Investments included these key points:
- Proposed use of the site is for a Subway restaurant (with drive-thru) and tunnel car wash.
- The proposal suggests that between 15 and 20 permanent jobs will be created for the area plus
casual positions during busy periods.
- The restaurant is proposed to open seven days a week, and 24 hours a day during harvest.
- Subway will return 4.5% of the store’s annual turnover to local sporting and community groups
through sponsorships and events.
- The surrounding parkland will be linked to the design by building a gazebo, at the developer’s
- The development will provide parking spaces on Council land, at the developer’s cost, for
caravans and long vehicles.
- Car parking will also be provided onsite for Subway customers.
- The owner/director has operated Subway franchises for more than 10 years.
- Construction is planned to start May 2020 with completion by March 2021.
Councillors resolved to sell the land via public tender earlier this year, following a public consultation process. The Request for Proposals for the purchase and development of the land was open for six weeks, closing on 12 September.