
Brown Hill Bus Interchange

The site currently operates as a school bus interchange.

Signage at the entry to the Bus Interchange clearly states that the Bus Interchange is for ‘School Buses and Authorised Vehicles Only’.

Following a phone conversation with a customer late last week, it was agreed to investigate their concerns.

The City is not aware of any other complaints from residents regarding trucks in the bus interchange.

Regional Roads Victoria is the Responsible Road Authority for Water Street including the intersection with Humffray Street North. Council liaises closely with Regional Roads Victoria given the co- existence of the Council road network with the state highway network and to ensure the capital program/investment from both Council and Regional Roads Victoria is developed in a collective manner. This is reflective in the Keeping Ballarat Moving program where major intersections interfacing with the local road network have been recognised and significant investment is now directed to these projects.

Matters of this nature are taken seriously by Council and traffic assessment including traffic count/speed monitoring devices will be placed in the road reserve to ascertain specific data to inform further action from Council, the police and potentially others. Council is committed to providing a safe urban street environment and the interface of heavy vehicles into our suburban network needs to be managed in a very careful way.

Regional Roads Victoria is the Responsible Road Authority for the Western Highway, including any planning for truck parking areas. Council has liaised directly with VicRoads and the police in relation to the matter and we will pursue truck drivers that use this as an unauthorised parking area.

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