Planning is underway for our Budget 2024-25 and we need your input.
Our annual budget makes day-to-day life in Stonnington possible, funding services like roads, open space, waste and recycling, animal management, maternal and child health, aged services and early education.
Based on feedback from previous years, we have identified 15 key budget areas and we’re keen to understand how our community would like us to allocate funding across these priorities.
Areas of spending for 2024-25 include sporting facilities and active communities, revitalising heritage and community buildings, community consultation and engagement, waste services, community safety and health, climate action and environment, transport (active transport and traffic), parks and open space, arts and events, safe and diverse communities, urban development and amenity, community services and facilities, local economy and identity, improved customer services and roads/street maintenance.
Using our budget allocation tool, we’re giving community members 100 points to ‘spend’ across these budget areas. We’re asking people to choose their preferred topics and then allocate between 5 and 30 points as per their priority. There is also a section where community members can submit their ideas for other areas of focus – and tell us why this would be good for our community.
Feedback gathered will help us to prioritise where to focus our spending for the 2024-25 financial year and results will be used to develop our draft budget early next year.