Disaster assistance has been extended to Queensland’s Scenic Rim Local Government Area to help cover the costs of fighting the fires and help communities recover.
Assistance is being provided through the jointly funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.
Minister for Natural Disaster and Emergency Management David Littleproud said the support was in addition to bushfire assistance available for Livingstone and Noosa shires.
“This assistance will give communities dignity as they recover from the fires,” Minister Littleproud said.
“This can help those hardest-hit by providing food, clothing, shelter and medical supplies.
“It will also help cover the costs of fighting the fire and the clean up once the fires are out.
“Further support will be provided once crews can safely assess the extent of the damages.”
Queensland Minister for Fire and Emergency Services Craig Crawford said the assistance extended to the Scenic Rim ensures the same financial support for counter disaster operations as previously approved in Livingstone and Noosa Shires.
“The fires in Noosa and the Scenic Rim are related to the same devastating weather system and conditions as the fires in Central Queensland in places like Yeppoon and Cobraball,” Minister Crawford said.
“This funding will ensure that Scenic Rim Regional Council is not unfairly burdened by the cost of these fires and have the capacity to protect and help recover their communities.
“The Commonwealth and Queensland governments will continue to work together as the situation unfolds to ensure impacted communities have the best possible support.”
Information on disaster assistance can be found on the Australian Government’s Disaster Assist website at and the Queensland Government’s Disaster Management website at .