The Chief Fire Control Officer, Bushfires NT, and the Director / Chief Fire Officer, NT Fire and Rescue Services, have declared a 24 HOUR FIRE BAN PERIOD for Wednesday 23 August 2023 for the following areas.
No person shall light a fire or cause a fire to be lit in the open within the DARWIN, ADELAIDE RIVER, GREGORY SOUTH-EAST AND BARKLY NORTH FIRE WEATHER FORECAST AREA.
This includes Darwin, Adelaide River, Batchelor and Elliott Emergency Response Areas, the Litchfield Municipality, Coomalie Shire and Kalkaringi.
The Fire Ban is declared for a 24 hour period commencing at 0000 hours on Wednesday 23 August 2023.
No person shall light a fire or cause a fire to be lit in the open in the portion of the Northern Territory within the fire ban areas.
The Fire Ban is valid from midnight to midnight.