The Queensland Police Service (QPS), Australian Border Force (ABF) and Australian Federal Police (AFP) have joined with TAFE Queensland to promote a new program in Cairns to support First Nations people into frontline career pathways.
The First Nations Pathways to Policing Program is a tailored course with mentoring opportunities designed to assist First Nations people to pursue a career in policing or other law enforcement.
Assistant Commissioner Brett Schafferius said the QPS was encouraging applications for the inaugural program which was planned for April.
“The First Nations Pathways to Policing Program is a fantastic opportunity for those interested in a career in law enforcement, providing teaching for the necessary skills, giving insight into each agency and valuable skills to begin their career,” Assistant Commissioner Schafferius said.
“We have had excellent representation and engagement from the other agencies on this program and have worked together to develop something that will provide great value for students here in Cairns.”
The inception of the First Nations Pathways to Policing Program was inspired by the successful jointly funded AFP and New South Wales Police program, Indigenous Police Recruitment Our Way Delivery (IPROWD).
Constable Tamika Clarke, a proud Kamilaroi woman, completed the IPROWD course before applying to join the QPS and said the course gave her the drive to pursue a career in policing.
“Before beginning the IPROWD course, I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to pursue a career in policing. But the course gave me a great insight into what life as a police officer would be like, and really ignited my desire to join.” Constable Clarke said.
“I found the program to be helpful in developing my skills further. When it came to applying to join, I felt ready for the entry assessments and then when I had been accepted to the Academy, I felt like I had a head start on a lot of the learnings.
“It’s great that TAFE Queensland, QPS and the other law enforcement agencies have all pitched in to have the Pathways to Policing Program developed. I hope that it encourages and gives the skills to more First Nations people to pursue a career in law enforcement.
“If anyone has considered a career in law enforcement but is unsure that they have the skills, or even just wanting to get some more exposure to what life would be like, I’d really encourage them to give the Pathway to Policing program a go.”
Police Minister Mark Ryan congratulated the departments for their collaboration in delivering this specialised program.
“It is excellent to see collaboration from law enforcement agencies and TAFE Queensland, all working together to produce a program focussed on upskilling members of our community,” he said.
“This program is an excellent opportunity to support and upskill people as they take their first step in pursuing a career within law enforcement.”
AFP Commander Caroline Taylor said the program was designed to assist Indigenous Australians attain the academic requirements vital for participation in the policing, justice and emergency services sector.
“The AFP is proud to play a role in strengthening opportunities for First Nations students wishing to pursue a career within key government agencies including the AFP, QPS and ABF,” Commander Taylor said.
“For policing, justice and emergency services to be successful it’s vital that our members reflect the communities we serve.”
Proud Ganggalida and Birri Gubba woman and TAFE Queensland Director of Education and Training Services and the Arts Leanne Bell said the course was the first of its kind to be rolled out in Queensland.
“We have worked with the QPS, ABF and AFP to create a qualification designed to ensure students receive meaningful education and develop the skills required to enter a law enforcement academy program,” Ms Bell said.
“First Nations Pathways to Policing students will study four days a week over 24 weeks and they will develop critical skills linked to conflict resolution, cultural identity, digital literacy, fitness and team building.
“The students will also gain valuable industry insight by working closely with a mentor from the AFP and visiting various law enforcement workplaces.
“I’m looking forward to welcoming our students and watching them take their first step towards a career focussed on serving the wider community”.
The First Nations Pathways to Policing Program starts on 17 April 2023 at the TAFE Queensland Cairns campus. People can apply now or learn more by calling 1300 308 233 or visiting
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