Members of the provide independent policy advice to the Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers on whole-of-government strategies to build a more inclusive Victoria and to increase opportunities for people with disability. The council has an important role in liaising with communities, monitoring the implementation of the Victorian state disability plan, and promoting rights and inclusion.
Since 2016, the current Council helped co-produce , successfully advocated for the establishment of disability employment targets for the Victorian public sector, and better measures to improve disability statistics.
The current Chair of the Victorian Disability Advisory Council, Colleen Furlanetto, said: ‘Serving on the Victorian Disability Advisory Council is an amazing opportunity to effect change at the most senior levels of the Victorian Government.
‘Our term has seen a huge commitment from VDAC members and we have achieved so much. I look forward to the next council of disability leaders taking VDAC forward.’
The current council’s term of office will continue through to 30 June 2019.
To get an information pack and submit your application to become a member of the Council, visit the website. Applications close at 11:59pm on Sunday 10 March 2019.