Nominations arenow open for the annual Norman Miller Violin Award, proudly offered by Toowoomba Regional Council. The Award aims to enhance accessibility and musical career prospects for aspiring violinists who reside or study in the Toowoomba Regional Council area.
The Award is a loan of a Norman Miller violin to a deserving violin student for use during the 2020 school year. The student must be AMEB Grade 3 or above, or 10 years or older with a demonstrated need and promise.
The Norman Miller Violin Award isfacilitated by Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery and is decided by a panel selected from teachers, players and makers of bowedstringinstruments. Music teachers, parents and community members are encouraged to nominate students for this prestigious opportunity.
In 1996, the late Toowoomba violin and instrument maker Norman Miller (1911-2005) donated the finely crafted violin to the former Toowoomba City Council. The violin has since been presented to promising musicians each year, usually from the end of January until mid-December.
The Award honours Miller, whose violins have been played by symphony orchestras and conservatoriums in Australia and overseas. Miller’s talent was internationally recognised when he was accorded the title Egregio Maestro Liutaio (master lute maker) from Associazone Nazionale Liuteria Artistica Italiana.
Applications close 5pm Monday 25 November 2019. For a nomination form and full details of the Award, please visit: .
Image: Norman MILLER / violin 1990