Over the past 12 months Sunshine Coast Council has been developing ‘Our Resilient Coast. Our Future’, a long-term Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy to help manage the impacts of coastal hazards and increase the resilience of our region.
Sunshine Coast Mayor Mark Jamieson said the strategy was being informed by the best available science and would improve our understanding of coastal hazards and how they are likely to change over the next 80 years until 2100.
“Last year we asked the community to help us by sharing their insights and experiences about how our coastline has changed over time,” Mayor Jamieson said.
“Our residents have a wealth of knowledge and the feedback received from our first round of engagement helped to identify coastal values, better understand the implications of future coastal hazards, like beach erosion and seawater inundation, and thoughts for a resilient future.
“Our coastal areas form an integral part of our Sunshine Coast identity and lifestyle, and are fundamental to the future of our economy.
“Council is now seeking further community feedback on coastal hazard adaptation options, insights on their effectiveness and areas they think each option may be most appropriate.
“Your responses will help inform discussion on how we can adapt to and manage coastal hazards like erosion and inundation in the future.
“There are a number of ways we can respond to coastal hazards, including updates to land use planning, enhancing natural processes, changes and upgrades to existing infrastructure, exploring coastal engineering options and supporting initiatives that help build adaptive, resilient communities.
“This strategy is a key action in council’s which seeks to protect and enhance our natural environment and the lifestyle which our residents enjoy.
“It’s real action and proactive planning projects like this that help us achieve our vision to be Australia’s most sustainable region – healthy, smart, creative.”
The community is encouraged to complete our second survey exploring Coastal Adaptation by 5pm on August 30, 2020.
To complete the survey and to learn more about ‘Our Resilient Coast. Our Future’ visit
‘Our Resilient Coast. Our Future’ is funded by the State Government QCoast2100 Program. More than 30 coastal councils in Queensland are developing strategies to manage coastal hazards.