Nominations have closed for the Federal Election, and COTA Australia would like to congratulate everyone who is standing to represent their community, and the nation.
For the help of candidates and their supporters, COTA Australia has prepared a Candidates’ Guide to Older Australians. Our hope is that during this election, every candidate not only puts forward the best policies they can, but also shows personal leadership in the way they talk about, and with, older Australians.
Throughout the pandemic we have seen Australians across the generations band together and cooperate to keep each other safe, and make sure everyone gets a fair go. The country has largely turned away from the language of generational division, and my hope is that continues into the future.
COTA Australia has also prepared our and . For those looking to fine tune their policy or language in the campaign, those documents will be very useful.
Australia needs an aged care system that supports and cares for those who need it; a retirement income system that provides adequately and fairly for all; and to root out ageism, so that everyone gets the best opportunity to contribute to our nation.
Ageism is a particular challenge, as it often excludes both the older, and the younger, and prevents everyone receiving the benefits of each other’s experience and enthusiasm.
We hope this guide helps you in forming your policies and managing your campaigns.
Good luck to you, and your campaigns.