The City of Casey has launched an Open Data Platform to provide easy access to a range of data about the municipality.
The platform allows data to be presented in an easy to use and view format, making it more accessible for the community and businesses to conduct research, make evidence-based decisions, create new localised business strategies or gain knowledge and understanding of social, economic, and environmental trends.
Providing access to this data aims to empower the community by increasing transparency which enables stronger public oversight of information about the municipality.
From information on bus stops, the number of planning permit applications, to gas emissions produced, the data can provide vital information to residents, business owners or entrepreneurs as a source of social innovation or economic growth.
City of Casey’s Chair of Administrators Noelene Duff PSM notes the importance of data transparency and sharing data in a highly digitalised world.
“Data is a critical asset to drive new growth and opportunities across the community. However, often data is not made available or in a format that is easy to use. Casey’s Open Data Platform now provides the community with access more data about the City of Casey,” said Ms Duff.
“This is an exciting new resource for residents, students and businesses to take advantage of and I look forward to seeing the outcomes of people accessing this information.”
Kara Stuart, Community Engagement Coordinator at Casey Tech School and member of Casey’s Smart City and Innovation Community Reference Group, is also excited about the opportunities the platform will provide to students.
“The platform is a wonderful resource for students visiting Casey Tech School to explore local opportunities and prototype solutions using real-world data. Having access to data from the area will also allow them to make more informed decisions and better understand their community,” said Ms Stuart.
To celebrate the Open Data Platform, Council is running a competition which encourages participants to generate solutions on the Open Data Platform to solve community challenges in the form of an insight map or chart, mobile/web App using API (authenticated programmatic) integrations or prototype/wireframes/presentations.
The competition will run from 25 October to 22 November and the finalists will pitch their concepts at a virtual event on Friday 26 November, with the winners to be chosen and announced at the virtual event.