This year Women’s Health Week is running from 7-11 September and is a great reminder to take time out to check in on your health.
Today, 8 September, Women’s Health Week is focusing on the health of your heart and blood vessels.
Heart disease is a leading killer of Australian women, taking the lives of three times as many women than breast cancer. This is partly because heart disease is often not recognised in women. The reasons for this include:
- Women often develop symptoms of heart disease at a much later stage in the illness than men.
- Symptoms can be more vague or non-specific.
- Women are less likely to seek help quickly.
- Some diagnostic tests for heart disease are less accurate in women than in men.
- Some health professionals may be less likely to check for heart disease in women.
Women can take better care of their health by:
- Ensuring blood pressure is under control
- Managing cholesterol levels
- Quit smoking
- Start exercising
- Eat a balanced diet
- Go for regular Heart Health Checks when you’re over 45
CFA Health Promotion Coordinator Georgia Thacker said Women’s Heath Week is a great opportunity to talk about the different health issues for men and women.
“The common symptoms of heart attack like chest pain are more specific to men, women can have different symptoms which may not include chest pain at all.”
“Women are often putting others first, so this week is a good reminder for women to make sure they’re looking after themselves as well.
“Being aware of your own heart health is the first step for prevention and early intervention.”
CFA Health Services offer heart health screening as part of the for staff and for volunteers.
Due to COVID-19 the programs aren’t currently available but you can still make appointments with your GP.
There are several events happening around Victoria during the week,