Gunnedah Shire residents will receive their quarterly water notice over the next few weeks.
The water notice will reflect the increased rates recently adopted by Gunnedah Shire Council following the annual process of public consultation for Council fees and charges and the Operational Plan.
The increased fees will only apply to the July 2023 portion of each bill and not the May-June portion which will be billed at 2022-2023 rates. In addition, to help with the transition to the new fees, residents will only be billed at Tier 1 levels for May and June, and not at the higher Tier 2 and 3 levels.
The funds raised through water charges are used to operate, maintain and renew Gunnedah Shire’s water supply services. They are set in accordance with the NSW Best Practice Management of Water Supply and Sewerage Guidelines 2007 and comply with the NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal’s (IPART) Pricing Principles for Local Water Authorities.
The new prices from 1 July 2023 are:
• Tier 1 – first 400kL – $1.76/kL
• Tier 2 – 401kL to 800kL – $2.64/kL
• Tier 3 – over 800kL – $3.96/kL
The rates have been increased to assist in meeting the rising costs associated with providing the community with a water supply.