
Changes to parking around Lords Place, plans for a community survey decided by Council

Orange Council

Changes to parking around Lords Place, plans for a community survey and financial support for community groups were on last night’s (4 April) Council meeting agenda.

Meeting praises Eugowra recovery volunteers

Last night’s (4 April) Council meeting passed a motion acknowledging the outstanding work of Mr David Conyers and the Fridays for Eugowra team in helping the community of Eugowra to recover from recent flood damage.

The motion, proposed by Cr Glenn Floyd also asked for Orange City Council to cooperate with Cabonne Council to present a framed Certificate of Appreciation or sponsor a community BBQ.

The meeting heard that Mr Conyers had set up a team of apprentice and general tradesman to install air-conditioning units in every flood effected house and building in Eugowra.

Over the last two months 120 AC units were installed across Eugowra along with new kitchens and other home improvements when required.

The team had received a $35,000 donation from Rotary for the AC units and over $130,000 worth of household goods from other businesses around the central west.

Council to conduct joint survey

Orange City Council will work with three other central west councils to conduct a community survey.

Each survey will be specific to individual councils.

To be held later this year, the survey would measure community satisfaction with Council’s services and facilities and then set benchmarks around how those priorities are being met.

The survey would be designed and conducted by an independent consultant.

It’s expected the cost would be lessened by having the survey conducted for four councils (Orange, Cowra, Oberon and Weddin).

Council to support community groups

Last night’s council meeting voted to support a number of community groups by donating:

  • $2500 to Orange Male Voice Choir as a contribution towards honorariums for a Music Director and accompanist.
  • $2000 to 3rd Orange Scouts as a contribution to the payment of rates and a contribution towards day-to-day costs such as power, insurance and registration.
  • $2500 to Central West Gymsports for the purchase and installation of a hydration station.
  • $750 to Sharon Cooper of Pinnacle Dragons Abreast to attend the International Breast Cancer Paddling Commission (IBCPC) festival being held at Lake Karapiro (NZ).

The meeting also decided to sponsor the Austin Motor Vehicle Club NSW for an amount of $3,500.

The sponsorship funding matches the estimate from the organisers for the hire of the Function Centre during the club’s planned event in Orange in March next year.

Angled parking to change around Lords Place south upgrade

Last night’s meeting approved changes to the angle of rear-to-kerb parking in streets around the Lords Place South Future City upgrade.

The changes will happen in sections of:

  • Lords Place (Kite Street to Moulder Street)
  • Kite Street (McNamara Street to Anson Street)
  • Anson Street (Kite Steet to Moulder Street) and
  • Moulder Street (Lords Place to McNamara Street)

Marked parking spaces in these streets would change from the current 45-degree angle to 60 degrees.

A report to last night’s meeting suggested the changes would deliver more parking spaces in the area around the Lords Place South precinct where parking has changed due to the upgrade.

The meeting heard that according to a GHD report to Council, the switch to 60 degree parking would deliver a further 43 parking spaces in surrounding streets.

Council working on new footpaths

Last night’s meeting heard that work has begun or continued on new footpaths and footpath reconstructions at:

  • Edward Street – from Electrolux to McNeilly Avenue (fully funded through TfNSW “Get NSW Active” grant programme).
  • Path into the rear of the Christian School (fully funded through TfNSW “Safety Around Schools’ grant programme).
  • Shared concrete path under the NDR at Ploughmans Creek heading to Molong Road alongside the Fire Shed.
  • Dalton Street, between Peisley Street and Lords Place.

Planning decisions

Last night’s Council meeting approved a number of development applications including:

  • a $6 million project to build 6 townhouses and a 5-unit apartment building at 1 Summer Street (intersection of Summer St and Woodward St)
  • a proposal for a dual occupancy (2nd dwelling) on a rural site in Wise Road, Springside.
  • a $3.4 million hardware and buildings supplies premises at 52 Leewood Drive to be operated by Reece Australia Pty Ltd
  • a $2.93 million proposal to alter the former DPI office block in Kite St in East Orange.

The DPI alterations will include:

    • demolition of the forecourt canopy,
    • reconfiguration of the main entrance, lobby, and a new Bathurst Road entrance
    • end-of-trip facilities, bike storage, and roof-mounted solar panels will be added, along with new landscaping and seating areas for the Bathurst Road and Kite Street entrances.

Council supports access committee request

Last night’s meeting adopted a number of motions from the Council’s Access & Ageing Community Committee.

The Council decided to:

  • continue to investigate a program to assist local businesses to purchase temporary ramps to allow access for people with disability and limited mobility
  • investigate including the installation of an accessible bathroom with an adult change table and hoist in the central business district.
  • investigate using dark tinted concrete around bollards in new footpath installations.
  • continue to investigate the installation of permanent ramps to the grassed areas of Robertson Park.
  • include a ‘Movement in Place’ analysis in the Active Travel Plan review.

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