– City of Ballarat Director of Infrastructure and Environment
The Pleasant Street church and its buildings sit within the General Residential Zone and, while the site is currently recognised as a church, a potential purchaser could apply for a planning permit that could change that use.
This would include a food and drink premises, a residence or any other use permitted by a General Residential Zone planning permit.
There is a Heritage Overlay, together with a number of others applicable to this precinct. While it is not specific to the church, any planning application would have to address how the proposal for the site might impact on the area’s character or heritage aspects as outlined in this particular precinct’s Statement of Significance.
The Grevillea Road church sits within a General Residential Zone so the similar requirements of the Pleasant Street church apply. However it does not have a heritage overlay that would need to be considered as part of any planning permit proposal.
St Andrew’s Church has not been rezoned.