The City of Ballarat is lobbying for state and federal funding to deliver a wide range of priority projects ahead of elections scheduled in 2022.
A federal election is due before the end of May, with an announcement of a date expected in coming weeks, while the state election is set by legislation to occur on the last Saturday of November this year.
City of Ballarat Mayor, Cr Daniel Moloney said both elections offer critical opportunities for Ballarat to attract funding for key projects to drive future economic growth and support the city’s recovery from the pandemic.
Cr Moloney said the City of Ballarat is already well advanced in its lobbying effort, with Council having determined in its first year a list of 26 priority projects to advocate for.
“Since very early in this Council term we have been continually and strategically advocating for our priority projects to our state and federal counterparts,” he said.
“City of Ballarat CEO Evan King and I have had numerous in person or online meetings with members of parliament and with ministers, written letters and briefings and made the case for several of our key projects through the media.
“They include tier one regionally transformational projects like Ballarat Link Road and expansion of our Major Events Precinct, tier two projects of citywide significance including a Regional Animal Facility and tier three projects of local significance such as a Buninyong Skate Park, Learmonth Oval upgrades and revitalisation works at Redan wetlands.”
The City of Ballarat is also working with other major organisations in Ballarat to present a list of citywide funding priorities ahead of both elections.
Cr Moloney said the fact that significant commitments have been made by the Federal Labor Opposition ($4.5 million for a new Sebastopol Community Centre), and the State Liberal Opposition for the Miners Rest Community and Sporting Hub ($7 million) – shows Council’s efforts are already gaining traction.
“The Federal Election is only a matter of weeks away, and the State Election to be held in late November, so we hope to see more announcements like those in the lead up,” he said.
“In many respects our advocacy is a long game – and while not every project will get funded at these elections, the City of Ballarat will always make the case to all sides of politics for these important projects, regardless of where we’re up to in the election cycle.”
To learn more about the City of Ballarat’s priority projects for advocacy, visit