The City of Ryde is calling on the community to dig deep and get behind two fundraisers that will help
those impacted by the recent bushfires and ongoing d rought.
At its meeting this week, Council unanimously agreed to undertake a fundraising campaign for the
Salvation Army Bushfire Disaster Appeal.
Money raised for the Bushfire Disaster Appeal will go towards supporting the Salvation Army’s relief
teams to provide food and water, a s well as emotional and practical support, to emergency services
personnel and people displaced due to the bushfires.
Fundraising efforts will begin straight away with money to be raised at Sunset Sounds on Friday.
which will ce lebrate the upgrade of Wilga Park
Collection buckets will also be placed at various Council locations including the Customer Service
Centre, all five City of Ryde Library branches, the Ryde Aquatic Leisure Centre and Council’s North
Ryde Office.
To kick -start the appeal, Council has pledged to donate $5,000.
Cou ncillors also unanimously agreed to donate $20,000 to the Country Women’s Association of NSW
Drought Aid Appeal, to assist NSW residents impacted by the one of the most severe droughts on
In addition to the $20,000 donation by Council, a barbecue will be held at the City of Ryde’s
Community Christmas Celebration in Ryde Park on Sunday 8 December to raise funds for the
Country Women’s Association of NSW Drought Aid Appeal.
City of Ryde Mayor, Clr Jerome Laxale, urged residents and businesses to rally together and show
their support for those doing it tough due to the bushfires and drought.
“As has been seen with previous fundraising efforts, the Ryde community is extremely generous to
people in need and I am sure everyone will get behind these fundrais ing efforts and help raise much –
needed funds for those most in need,” Clr Laxale said.