
Clean air regulation now open for comment

NSW Environment Protection Authority

Setting stricter air emissions standards and a range of other proposals are now up for discussion in a review of key NSW environmental clean air legislation.

The Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Regulation 2022 requires industry as well as business and individuals holding an environment protection licence to operate with environmental responsibility throughout NSW.

Feedback on the draft Regulation is now open and will help the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) guide industry and licensed operations, to protect the environment and community.

EPA Executive Director Regulatory Practice and Environmental Solutions David Fowler said the changes would deliver better outcomes for the management of environmental issues and enable the EPA to more effectively and efficiently enforce environmental rules.

“Proposed changes to the POEO Clean Air Regulation will create public health benefits by reducing emissions of key air pollutants including particles and oxides of nitrogen,” Mr Fowler said.

“Air quality in NSW is good by world standards and the proposed changes will further reduce air pollution and lead to improved visibility, less offensive odours, healthier vegetation and an improved condition of the built and natural environment.”

Proposed changes include:

· requiring cleaner, lower volatility petrol to be supplied for an extra month over summer to reduce ozone

· stricter emission limits and controls for volatile organic liquids in storage tanks, loading plant and tank vehicles

· requiring older activities and plant (such as machinery and equipment), which started operating or were upgraded between 1979 and 1997, to comply with more stringent air emission standards to create a level playing field

· changes leading to a reduction in pollutants like benzene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

Comment is open until 3 June 2022. F

/Public Release.