
Cleanaway companies fined $31,500 after EPA compliance blitz


The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has fined three subsidiaries of waste company Cleanaway $31,500 for alleged waste storage and record keeping offences at its Rutherford, Wetherill Park and Windsor premises.

The fines follow a targeted compliance inspection operation by the EPA on Cleanaway premises in multiple locations around the state which were inspected simultaneously on one day, 29 June.

Cleanaway Operations Pty Ltd operates a waste storage facility at Kyle Street, Rutherford (Hunter), Cleanaway ResourceCo RRF Pty Ltd at Frank Street, Wetherill Park (Western Sydney) and Cleanaway Co Pty Ltd at Fairy Road, South Windsor (Western Sydney), which have received penalties.

EPA Executive Director Regulatory Operations Steve Beaman said during the EPA compliance operation EPA officers discovered potential licence breaches.

“At Rutherford, EPA officers found a number of drums and other storage tanks stockpiled on unsealed, uncovered and poorly contained areas, allegedly in breach of their Environment Protection Licence.

“Some of the drums were stacked in a way which created a risk of them falling and spilling. Together with poorly maintained containment areas, this created the potential for environmental harm,” Mr Beaman said.

“Some containment areas used to store drums had holes which meant that if the drums leaked, the spill would not be contained and could leak to soil or nearby waterways.

“An oil tank containment area appeared to contain three separate leaks and the roof had numerous holes and considerable rust,” Mr Beaman said.

At Wetherill Park, EPA officers found on both 22 and 29 June 2020 waste stockpiled in an outside area not designated for waste storage.

At South Windsor, the EPA alleges the company failed to keep records relating to the disposal of waste between June 2018 and March 2020.

“Poor waste storage creates a risk of land and water pollution occurring and at the Wetherill Park premises an added risk of fire. Accurate and complete record keeping provides proof of proper handling of waste. It’s important for companies to comply with their licences to reduce risk to the environment and be transparent. The EPA will respond with enforcement if they don’t comply,” Mr Beaman said.

Other regulatory action by the EPA arising from the compliance operation has already been taken and further action may be taken as a result of the blitz.

The EPA has previously taken regulatory action at the Cleanaway site at Rutherford, including a Clean-up Notice in September 2016 and Penalty Notice in December 2016, both for incorrect storage of waste.

The EPA has also previously fined Cleanaway Resources at the Wetherill Park premises for poor storage of waste.

/Public Release.