The Climate Change Authority today released a consultation paper on its review of the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF).
The Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 (Cth) (CFI Act) covers the crediting and purchasing elements of the ERF. The CFI Act also requires the Authority to review the Act, regulations and other instruments made under the Act every three years.
The Chair of the Authority, Dr Wendy Craik said: “The Authority’s 2020 review will take into account the operation of the ERF and the changes made to it in the period since the Authority’s last review in 2017. It will consider the overall performance of the scheme as well as focus on three main themes –
• maintaining integrity and optimising governance
• managing risks to abatement, and
• opportunities for enhancing outcomes.”
The Authority recognises the severe disruption caused by Covid-19 and acknowledges this may be a difficult time for some to contribute a submission. In order to assist, we are adopting a flexible approach to stakeholder engagement. The consultation paper provides options for providing input and is available at
Your contributions are greatly valued by the Authority and will inform our final review report.