The 2023 Provider and Course Owner Survey has been extended and is now open until midnight Sunday 18 June 2023. Provider and course owners still have the opportunity to provide feedback about their experience with ASQA during the 2022-2023 financial year, and in this year, it also seeks their view on sector-wide organisational risks. This survey is one way ASQA measures its performance, and we utilise these results along with the findings from our own self-assurance to inform our continuous improvement.
Please consider completing the survey as high levels of participation are important to ensure that the findings represent a reliable representation of views and experiences across course owners and training providers, and it helps us to continuously improve the way we support and regulate the sector.
An email with the link to survey was sent by ORIMA on 24 May 2023.
Thank you in advance for your participation. We truly value your opinion and appreciate your time.