The Bridgewater and surrounding community have shown up today to call on an update on the Greenpoint Medical Centre, and whether or not 8,000 people will be without basic medical services.
The medical centre cannot close. We understand we may be close to a resolution; but certainty about the centre’s future is vital to the community.
The community stands united in their fight to keep the centre open providing affordable access to healthcare.
While the outlook is positive, the clock is still ticking. Bridgewater is one of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged suburbs in Australia.
Despite trying to wash its hands of the issue, the Tasmanian Government shares a responsibility to ensure Tasmanians are able to access healthcare.
Sadly, after 10 years of a Liberal Government Tasmania’s health system is beyond breaking point and we have a minister in charge with seemingly no interest in fixing it.
No ifs, no buts – the state government must do its part to ensure local GPs are available to treat patients in the Bridgewater, Herdsmans Cove and Gagebrook communities.
Jen Butler MP
Labor Member for Lyons