Council is reviewing its Community Donations Policy to achieve greater accountability, transparency and accessibility of funds for projects and events which align with the strategic direction and goals for the Shoalhaven.
Under the current procedures the donation funding is split between recurring payments (Allocated Donations) and new donations voted by the Council during the year (Unallocated Donations). A large number of the donations are made on an “allocated” (rolling) basis each year. This means that some applicants were unsuccessful because most of the donations budget has already been exhausted for the year and other potential applicants, equally eligible, may not have been aware that this funding avenue was available.
The Draft Community Donations Policy will introduce an Annual Community Donations Assessment procedure, with all applicants required to complete an application form for consideration by an Assessment Panel. This is intended to improve access to funding for all groups in the community, and to enhance the fairness and transparency of Council’s allocation of donations.
It is proposed that applications for donations will be made under the following three main categories:
- General Community Donations (Culture, Community and Environment)
- Sponsorship of Local Events
- Subsidised Rental, Rates and Use of Council Facilities.
Shoalhaven City Council Mayor, Amanda Findley said, “Council has made donations to community groups for many years. To improve our donation distribution process, in a more accountable, transparent and equitable way, a review of the policy is needed.”
“The proposed changes to the application process will ensure that community groups and organisations have the opportunity to access donation funding for activities that contribute to the wellbeing and culture of our community.”
“It is important that the Shoalhaven community is given the opportunity to have their say to inform Council on the Draft Community Donations Policy and Guidelines and Application Form,” Mayor Findley said.
It is anticipated that the new Policy will apply to applications for funding for the 2022/2023 financial year.