Applications are now open for the Council Community Grants Program 2023 / 2024.
Community grants provide funding to community groups so they can deliver community-led projects that benefit the Kempsey Shire.
There are three main grant categories and quick grant categories.
The Mayoral Community Fund category provides approximately $25,000 in funding support for community groups who want benefit residents and establish, strengthen or implement projects that align with Kempsey Shire Council’s Community Strategic Plan and can demonstrate evidence of need.
The Environmental Levy Grants provide approximately $20,000 to fund projects which seek to assist volunteer environmental groups with environmental restoration and preservation works.
Sporting grants provide approximately $20,000 of funding to local sporting clubs who want to purchase more sporting equipment or make minor improvements to their facilities that align with the Macleay Valley Sporting Strategy.
$500 Community Quick Grants provide funding to local organisations and are aimed at celebrating specific themed events throughout the community including Youth Week, Seniors Festival and NAIDOC Week.